Last week we celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday all week long! We had a ball reading some of our favorite Dr. Seuss books and finding fun ways to celebrate.
On Monday we read
The Cat In The Hat and
journaled about our favorite rainy day activities. We also made a graph of which character was our favorite. The majority of our class liked Thing 1 and Thing 2 because they were silly and did fun things. A smaller number liked Fish because he was trying to keep them out of trouble and , surprisingly, none of them liked the Cat because he was doing bad things and getting them in trouble! (I was SO impressed!!)
On Tuesday we read
Fox in Socks and had a crazy sock-feet day. The children enjoyed wearing socks in class and LOVED picking out their craziest ones to wear! We had fun reading the story and getting our tongues all twisted!
Wednesday was "Wacky Wednesday!" The children were able dress wacky tacky and they looked fantastic! Some wore shirts backwards while others wore mismatched shoes and socks. We looked at Dr.
Seuss's book,
Wacky Wednesday and actually put the pictures of it up on the smart board and the children were able to come up and
circle all of the things that were Wacky.
Thursday we read one of my personal favorites,
I Wish That I Had Duck Feet. The children laughed at the different animal parts that the boy wanted and then were asked to draw their own pictures and write what they would like to have if they could have any animal parts. They also had to tell me how they would use them.
Friday was a really fun day! We read
Green Eggs and Ham and then made our own for a breakfast treat!

I gave the children recipe cards and they had to help me put in order how we should make the eggs and then they got to add the ingredients and scramble up this delicious treat!
We had a wonderful week learning about some of Dr. Seuss's stories. We also practiced some of Dr. Seuss's signature techniques! Dr. Seuss loved to rhyme. We practiced rhyming at puzzle center where the children had to put together rhyming puzzles. We also used rhyming words as our ticket out the door to go to the playground. We also enjoyed watching the video for Horton Hears a Who during lunch time several days.
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! We sure did have a ball celebrating!