Over the past few weeks we have been learning all kinds of things about spring. We have discussed how the plants and animals have been changing. The children have planted seeds and a garden wiht Mr. Thomas and have been observing the changes over the past few weeks. Jackson brought in his baby ducks and we learned how baby ducks hatch from eggs and then grow into grown up ducks. When we get back from Spring Break we will learn about all the different kinds of eggs and what animal they belong to. Then we will be receiving a very important package in the mail...caterpillar larvae! We will be watching and observing their growth and maturation over the next few weeks , then releasing the butterflies out into our magic garden.
While learning about spring, we learned about the springtime holiday, Easter. We discussed both the religious and secular celebrations of Easter and then had our very own Easter Egg Hunt to celebrate. All four of our kindergarten classes joined in and it was a huge success!
The children were very excited to get started!

Happy Easter from the Sherpas!