This week we had another fun animal visitor.
Kyle brought in his hamster, Lucy, for us to meet!

The children were very excited to get to meet her and also to learn about hamsters. Kyle passed her around and let everyone either hold her or pet her. The children noticed that her little feet felt prickly and we learned that that helps keep her safe if she needs to climb up onto things. Kyle also told us what he feeds her and we got to watch her hide away some sunflower seeds in her cheeks and eat a piece of corn. We also learned that if you have a hamster you have to clean out its cage every few days to keep it healthy and clean. 

This visit went perfectly with what we were learning about this week. We read a book called An Egg Is Quiet and we learned about many of the different kinds of eggs that animals lay. We talked about where each animal lays their eggs and learned that this is called their habitat. We also learned about the ways that animals keep safe in their habitat. While Lucy wasn't hatched from an egg, she definitely has lots of things that keep her safe like her teeth and her little claws that let her hold on. She is also super fast so we made sure not to put her down.
We are having lots of fun learning about different animals and how they are similar and different.
Thanks Kyle for this fun experience!