Dr. Frey brought in a very special kind of map that none of the children had seen before. They LOVED it! Dr. Frey explained that it was called a topographical map and then gave the children the chance to not only look at it, but feel the difference in this cool map! She even showed us where her cabin in the mountains is. While we were talking about the map, we came up with our own idea of what topographical means...the "top". The children pointed out that it showed the tops of the mountains and you could see which ones were taller. I was really impressed that they used their own ideas to come up with a first grade friendly way to think of this map.
We had an undercover policeman, a K-9 officer, a racer, a hair stylist, a gymnast, a veterinarian, a teacher, a train engineer, a cake baker, an engineer for wind turbines, and a karate instructor! Wow! Each child was able to get up in front of the class and explain the different parts of their costume and how they would use them in their chosen career. They also talked about what they would have to do in order to achieve these goals. After we had our show and share time the children wrote about what they would like to become in their journals. This was a great way for the children to start thinking about what it takes to achieve their goals. The children learned about all of the different schools they may have to go to or the trainings they might have to have in order to do these jobs.
Friday always brings Munchie Math as well...one of my personal favorite things of the week! This week we were working on sorting and then placing items on a graph using fruit loops.
First we sorted the fruit loops by color.
After we had made our concrete graph, we took it to the semi-concrete level by drawing fruit loops on to our pictograph.
After we finished, each child had to circle which color the had the most of to review a math term, "most", that we have been working on this week.
What a fun and delicious way to learn sorting, graphing, one-to-one correspondence, and counting!!