Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Everything We Learned ABC

This week we have been working on an alphabet book.

On Monday we read Library Mouse which is a story about a mouse who lives in the library and decides that he could write a book. The children all want to meet him so he makes a box that says "Meet the Author". When the children look in the box they see themselves in a mirror and then they all write their own books. I used this story to open up a discussion about who can be an author or an illustrator. We decided that anyone could be an author or an illustrator!

Then we started talking about what kind of book we were going to make. The children got to look at several different kinds of alphabet books, including many different ones by Jerry Pallotta (My FAVORITE alphabet book guy!). We read The Furry Animal Alphabet Book and Kindergarten ABC together and decided what to write our book about. The children came up with the title Everything We Learned because it is going to be a hodge podge of different things that we like and have learned about at school or at home or anywhere really!

Each child will make two pages for our book. We assigned the letters on Tuesday and completed one page each today. We'll finish up tomorrow and put our pages in order. Then we will get to read our very own book written and illustrated by us on Friday! Be sure to stop by and check it out :) So far it is REALLY awesome!

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