Friday, September 3, 2010

Kindergarten Week 1

Last week we learned about the letter L and how to write the numbers 1-5. We spent a lot of time reading books that had L words in them and even making our own "environmental print" book where the children brought in words and pictures that they found in magazines or around the house that started with the letter L.

On Friday we used our five senses to learn about the letter L. The children took turns sticking their hand into the "feely box" to try and guess what was hidden in there that started with letter L. They had no problem figuring out that it was a lollipop! Then we did a letter hunt around our room to use our eyes to try and find the letter L and things that begin with it. We sang our L song, "One Luscious Lollipop" so that we could use our ears to hear letter L things. Finally we used our sense of taste to try out letter L. The lemonade was sweet and delicious!

We also learned about pictographs. We learned that we can use graphs to organize information and to answer questions. We used little people die cuts to make a graph that showed the number of boys and girls in our classroom! We have seven of each!

We have had a great start to school and we have a really great class full of amazing and talented little people! They are all so great and I can't wait to get to know each one of them better!

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