Monday, February 21, 2011

V is for...

Last week we learned about the letter V. Our week started out with our Valentine's Dance!
This was our second Tea Party for the year. We collected pennies at the door for our charity, Pennies for Peace. We brought one container back to our class and counted almost $22.00! Way to go guys! I can't wait to hear how much was in the other container! I told the children that we could by 2200 pencils with that and they said "WOW, that is enough for a whole school!" In fact, this enough to pay a teacher's salary for 2 weeks or to buy one child's supplies for a whole year! It is amazing how we can do so much with what, to us, is so little!
We had a ball at the dance!
There was dancing..


And even a dress-up photo booth!

And even a fun dress-up photo booth! Our second tea party signifies us all becoming friends. I could tell that we all are! Children from different classes were playing and dancing together!

Many thanks to all of the parents who put all of this together. It was a WONDERFUL time for everyone!

Even the teachers...

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