Friday, September 16, 2011

Gummy Worm Dividing

This week we started working on dividing/sharing in math. This is the beginning of what we grown ups know as fractions!

During the week we did an activity with m&m's where the children had to share them between them and a friend. Today I posed the question "How would we share if we only had one thing?" We did a few examples on the smart board where we drew some lines to divide apples into halves, thirds, and fourths.

Then we did some dividing of our own! First, we talked about the word "whole". We discussed that that means when something is all in one piece. Then the children took gummy worms and cut them into halves, thirds, and fourths. They love to use knives and this was the perfect time to do it! We talked about knife safety and how to use them appropriately and they did an excellent job!

I gave the students a scenario like "What would we need to do to share with one friend", "What would we need to do to share with two friends" and then they thought about ways we could divide.

They did a fantastic job and I am SURE they will remember halves, thirds, and fourths because we did it in such a tasty way!

Here are a few showing off some halves and fourths!

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