Friday, August 23, 2013

Fun Friday

Today is what I like to call Fun Friday. Why you ask is it fun? We do a lot of different, fun activities on Fridays! We have our spelling test and have had a long week, so I like to wind down a little bit on Fridays. What do we do on Fun Friday? We do a graph of the week, Scholastic News Magazine, Munchie Math, Someone takes home Curious George, watch a movie at dismissal, and even have ice cream! How's that for a fun day??

We started out our day with our graph of the week. Each week, I pose a different question for the children to graph their answers. This week's question was "Which Character Do You Like Best?" and the choices were Clifford or Froggy. Before the students got to choose, we read a back to school book that included each of these characters. 

 Then, they all got to pick who they liked the best. 

After they made their choice, they had to explain to the class why they made their choice. Being able to explain "why" and make an argument is a huge part of the Common Core standards. The children had great answers! The ones who chose Clifford liked him because he's a dog, he's good, they have a dog, they like dogs. The children who chose Froggy liked him because he's silly, he is funny, and he goes to school in his underwear! Talk about great explanations!

After we completed our graph, we discussed what we learned from looking at this data. The students pointed out that we learned that more children in our class like Clifford than Froggy...4 more to be exact!

Later on in the morning, we did our first Munchie Math lesson. Munchie Math is a time for us to do a fun, yummy activity that reinforces a math concept we have been working on in class. This week's activity was called "Delicious Dominos". 

First, the students were given a bag of Fruit Loops and several index cards that were divided like dominos. They had to start by making their own dominos, using the items they were given. They had to choose numbers 5 or less to add to each side.

Then, the students had to make addition sentences that matched their dominos. 

 Here are some of the finished products!! Or perhaps I should say sums.....

I think the children had lots of fun doing this fun review activity...what do you think??

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