Friday, September 3, 2010

Kindergarten: Week Two!

I can't believe that we have already been in school for 13 days. It seems like only yesterday that we started!

This week has been a great week!

We learned about letter O this week. The children (and their parents!) brought in some really great things for our environmental print book. We found out there are a lot of animals that start with letter O like Ostriches, Orcas, and Otters and even a little dog named Otis! We didn't realize there were so many! I love hearing and seeing everyone's creative ideas!

Today was Friday, which is Five Senses day. Today we looked around the room for as many letter O's as we could find. The children amazed me by finding some that I hadn't even thought of! Then we read a story called Olive Octopus's Day of Juggling. We heard lots of O words in that one! The children were very brave and tasted Olives for letter O. Only a few liked them, but I was very proud of them for at least trying! We were able to decide that the Olives tasted very salty and even a little sour! In our feely box this week I had hidden a toy octopus. A few of the children guessed it, but some others had no idea! Finally, to smell letter O we smelled an orange. The kids really liked how it smelled and since they were so brave with their Olives I let them taste it too and they could definitely tell the difference between the salty olive and the sweet orange!

In Math this week we have explored several different kinds of manipulatives that we will use this year. We learned 1-1 correspondence using teddy bears counters by sitting each one in a "chair" made by pattern blocks. We used linking cubes to make towers of 1-5 and to begin looking at AB patters. Math is so much fun!!!

Our graph of the week this week was "Which is your favorite ice cream?" We reviewed why we make graphs and what we can learn from them and then each child was able to place their little person on the graph for their favorite between chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, and other. I was very impressed when I asked what we could tell from the graph and one student pointed out that we had the same for other, strawberry and chocolate when I asked which one had the most!

This week at centers the children had the opportunity to do a lot of fun and interactive activities! Center time is a time where students are asked to complete a variety of activities and then they are able to choose a free center where they would like to play with their friends. This a way that we can incorporate lots of different activities into our week without having to spend whole-group time on it. Children are able to work at their own pace to complete each activity.

This week's Centers included:

Play Doh: Children used cookie cutters to make their names out of play doh!
Art: Children made an Octopus puppet to say letter O words with!
Math: Children used linking cubes to make towers showing the numbers 1-5!
ABC: Students cut out pictures of words that started with O and glued them onto the Oval!

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