Friday, February 27, 2009


This morning we had a wonderful treat at Community Dialogue! The 5th graders have been learning about landforms. One group came up with drama to go along with each land form and the other made up a song and dance. It was really great and funny too!

Then, as part of Black History Month, we learned a little bit about Jazz Music from Statesville's own Jim Calabrese. Jim is a Statesville legend in the music industry! He has performed in as well as conducted several bands including the SHS band in the 60's. He told us a lot about music and how important it is to us. He told us that it is as important as food! He also explained to us that music is anything pleasant to a person's ears, meaning that we can all enjoy different things! He told us about New Orleans and the jazz music that is played there. Along with Mrs. Rogers, he played several jazz songs for us on clarinet! It was absolutely wonderful! The kids knew some of the songs and were happy to clap and sing along.

We came back and had snack and then got to work! We read Moose's Loose Tooth and then did our graph of the week. Our graph of the week this week was "How many teeth have you lost?". 5 students have lost 0, 0 have lost 1, 2 have lost 2, and 2 have lost 3 or more. I told the students that we'll remember these numbers and graph it again when we're in First Grade to see how much it changes! I bet them that by then we'll have zero zeros!

This afternoon we'll have ice cream and enjoy The Tooth Book by Dr. Seuss on DVD. This goes along with this week's unit of teeth and introduces us to next week's unit- Dr. Seuss!

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