Monday, February 9, 2009

This week we are learning about Valentine's Day. We all know that people like to make cards for each other and wear red and pink, but we're going to learn the history behind this day and how it originated.

I introduced the children to the original Alvin and the Chipmunks show last week when we couldn't go outside . They LOVED them! I loved the show as a kid so I wanted to share it with them and it was a hit! They couldn't stop laughing. We have two Valentine's episodes to enjoy later on this week :)

This Week's Centers:

MATH: Students have to look at hearts with different objects on either side, choose which side has the most, and color it red. This is great counting practice as well as identifying which set is larger or smaller.

WRITING: This week's writing prompt is "I wish I could become...". The children have to think about what they would like to become, draw a picture of it, copy the prompt and then I help them finish it and write one more sentence. Since we are still working on letter sounds, I am giving the children the sounds for the letters or telling them how to spell. Once we have all the sounds down, they will start using inventive spelling to spell on their own.

TECHNOLOGY: The students are using the smart board to go on to and do some of the sentence and reading games. They start with a Valentine's game that lets them make Valentine sentences as if they were making a Valentine for someone and then they can choose to do some of the other reading games. This website is great for learning to read and I love how it is interactive and will read the words to the children if they can't read them themselves! The sentences or words often have silly pictures/actions that go along with them.

ART: The children are learning about making new colors. They have two hearts to color and then they mix them in the third heart. This is great reading and writing practice because they have to use the color wall to find which colors to mix and then they have to write the color that they have made.

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