Friday, March 27, 2009

The rain isn't getting us down!

Despite the chilly rain, we had a great day today!

This morning we had our March Community Dialogue. First Mrs. McCachren's fourth grade students presented their Shakespeare masks that they had made in Dramatic Art and also did a short performance that explained Shakespearean theater. The masks were awesome and I think the children really enjoyed the performances because the fourth graders had put them together, so of course they were silly at times!

This afternoon was the Mr. Al concert! I had never heard of Mr. Al... I've been missing out! The children were really excited to get to "ride on the school bus" and head to Barium Springs to hear Mr. Al. We got there and we were the only group there, which meant much more audience involvement! Mr. Al did all kinds of songs and the children got to do all kinds of dancing. The children got to reach in their pockets and pull out "their groove" and do all kinds of wild dancing!

After Mr. Al we got back in school just in time for ice cream :) Overall, a fantastic rainy day!

1 comment:

Candice said...

I love that the kids get excited about riding on the school bus for a field trip! Awesome! :-)