Thursday, September 5, 2013

Living and Nonliving Collages

This week we have continued to learn about living and non living things. Last week we talked about different kinds of animals that are living. This week we have started a unit about plants. We are learning all about the needs of different living things. As a fun, culminating activity I thought the children would enjoy making living and non living collages. We did several sorts in class where the students were given pictures of different living or non living things and had to decide if they were living or non living, but this took it to a higher level of thinking.  The children were given magazines and they had to look for things themselves that would fall into each category.

 They had a ball digging into the magazines! It was fun to see the children's personalities come through in this project. You could tell the things that they were interested in by what they chose to cut out. It was really cute to hear them saying "I need one more living thing!" "I am looking for a non living thing!".

The children were asked to find at least 3 living things and 3 not living things. They did a fantastic job don't you think?

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