Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Something fishy....

For the first two weeks of school, we have been doing the "Step Up To First Grade" lessons in our math program. These were a brief review of what is to come this year in math. One of the main things that we focused on was addition and subtraction sentences. Subtraction sentences seem to confuse the children the most- they can't ever remember which number goes where, so this is the concept that we practiced in munchie math this week. We made sure to practice putting the whole first when you are subtracting instead of putting the parts first like when you add. 

We told different number stories about fish swimming in the pond and the students were asked to create the stories on their workmats and then write the number sentence that would represent the number story. Then, we had a student come up and write it for us on the smart board. I started by making up the number stories, but then the children were able to make them up as well. We practiced a few addition sentences as well. Learning math is always more fun when  you get to eat goldfish afterwards!!!

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