Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fall Scavenger Hunt

Today we went on a fall scavenger hunt. We got zipped up in our jackets (it has gotten so cold all of a sudden!) and headed out around town to find fall things. Each child had a scavenger hunt sheet where they were coloring in the spaces of the things that they found. We were looking for several different kinds of leaves, a squirrel, an acorn, a sweater, a jacket, clouds, a pumpkin!

Fall leaves were not hard for us to find at all! We found a lot on the ground and even some on the trees still changing! We found leaves that were already turned and some that were still in the process of turning. This reminded us of the story we read yesterday, Autumn's First Leaf where the leaves were jealous when their friend started changing, were even more jealous when he changed all the way, and then were all happy again when they had all eventually changed.

The squirrel and the acorn were a little harder to find. We had to sneak up very quietly to the park and look very closely to see the squirrels scurrying in the trees. When we looked very carefully we even got to see a nest that the squirrels have built there.

We weren't able to find a real pumpkin, but we found several pumpkin decorations downtown in different storefront windows. One of the children's favorite was the HUGE pumpkin painted in the town square for downtown trick or treat and the pumpkin fest. One child remarked "I have never seen a pumpkin that big!!!" It was really neat that we were able to catch that on our way back to school.

Our fall scavenger hunt was a success! We found everything on our list and even found a few extra things! This was a fun way for the children to relate the different seasons to their own experiences. Children were able to see and feel the things that we have been talking about in class like the leaves changing and the temperature cooling. What a great way to learn right in our own backyard!!!

1 comment:

Amy Daniels said...

Dylan came home and told me that this was so much fun!