Friday, November 12, 2010

Our Leaves

Today we worked on a book called "My Leaf". To get started, each child had to find a leaf outside. We walked around our block looking for all of the fallen leaves that we could find. Each child got to choose their very own leaf to bring inside for their book. They got to look for the color, shape, and size that they liked.

Once everyone had a leaf, we headed back into our classroom to get started on our books.
Each child drew what their leaf looked like and then wrote the color word that described their leaf.

Then we split into table groups and worked at four different stations.
At one station, the children had drop their leaf and count as high as they could before it hit the ground.

At another station, the students measured how long their leaf was using linking cubes.
At another station the children covered their pennies with leaves and counted how many it took.

Everyone's favorite station was the one where they got to put their leaf into a bucket full of water and count how many pennies it took to make it sink.

The children had a great time doing all of these different things with their very own leaf. They also practiced many different skills.
Students counted and practiced writing numbers.
Students practiced color recognition.
Students practiced using nonstandard units of measurement.
Students wrote the color word that described their leaf.
Students recorded their answers.
We looked for fall leaves, learning about the season as well.
Students used observation skills to determine sinking and floating.
Students used observation skills to draw and describe their leaves.
Social Studies
Students had to work together at their stations.
Students had to share materials.

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