Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Last week we spent a lot of time in class learning about the first Thanksgiving. We learned about the pilgrims voyage across the ocean to a new world where they had freedom to worship God as they chose to.

We used graphic organizers to put together important information about Thanksgiving today and about the first Thanksgiving. After we learned about both of these celebrations, we made our very first double bubble organizer comparing and contrasting the two. We found that both Thanksgivings had similarities and differences. We learned that the first Thanksgiving was 3 days long, while ours is only 1. We learned that while the pilgrims did have pumpkin, they did not have the sugar or ovens to make pumpkin pies, which no one can imagine not having at Thanksgiving today! We also learned that both Thanksgivings were a time to celebrate what we all have to be thankful for and to share a meal and all you have. The pilgrims did this with the Native Americans who helped them learn to plant and harvest and today we do it with our friends and families.
In honor of the first Thanksgiving feast between the pilgrims and the Indians, we had a little fest of our own. Our wonderful room parents planned a fun morning for the Kindergarten classes, which included games, crafts, food, and fun! This was a great way for us to celebrate the holiday and all that we have to be thankful for!

We had lots of really fun activities at our feast!

There was a center where the children each decorated a feather and wrote what they were thankful for. Then they had to turkey trot over to put it on the big turkey.

We made pine cone turkeys!

We made noodle necklaces!
We decorated cookies for desert!

We listened to Thanksgiving stories!

We made popcorn maize!

And we decorated bags to put all of our goodies in!

And then we shared some traditional Thanksgiving foods! What a spread! We had ham, turkey, stuffing, rolls, and even pumpkin pie with whip cream on top! It was so delicious. The children sat down with their groups and enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal. Like the pilgrims and indians, they were with some old friends and some new ones alike.
Happy Thanksgiving from the Sherpas!

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