Thursday, March 7, 2013

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Today we read another Dr. Seuss favorite, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. The class has really enjoyed all of the books we've read this week and this one was no exception! We have enjoyed comparing all of the different books and how Dr. Seuss always does similar things in his books. The kids are really enjoy the made up animals- they keep asking "What's a grox", "What's a glox?', "What's a wump?" and I show them the picture and explain that one of the cool things that Dr. Seuss liked to do was make up crazy animals and I am encouraging them to use their imaginations and make up their own crazy animals!

After we read the book, we got our own fish and made a One Fish, Two Fish graph. First, the students had to sort their fish into groups. This is a perfect introduction to sorting, which we will be studying later on in the year. We started by discussing what sorting means and the class decided it meant "putting things together that are the same". It was also a great review of graphs.

 To make our graphs, they started by putting their fish that were the same into groups. 

Next, the students placed their groups onto the graph. 

Then, the students had to color their graphs to coordinate with the number of goldfish that they had on their graph. This helps the students to understand that the goldfish that they physically put onto the graph are the same as the numbers that they color in as well as the actual number that they represent. This helps to bridge the gap between concepts: concrete (the goldfish), semi concrete (the colored squares), and abstract (the actual number of fish). 

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